Wednesday, August 5, 2009


As a Senior students,I had also bothered many experiences in school.In different Subjects I met.Always I being shy and others.I have more ideas and questions that I learned.

Different learnings and discoveries I have learned.Especially in TLE subjects.I learned how to manipulate and how to create a blog and also the history of the internet.Before,I can't think that how much I reach to learned computer.But this school year,I learned more about the internet.Not only in this subjects,but also the different subjects.

But not only the learnings I encounter.Also problems or challenges because, I always had prolems.Like the financial,I can't go to school without finance.We are poor and because of this,my parents always anger with one another.In school,I also encounter problems like the things that I am very shy.Thing that I can't express myself to my parents,friends or in classmates.Challenge that are being my fault.I only crying myself so that I can only out my emotions or feelings.Many problems or challenges I encountered,I can't memorize it.So, I feel sad everytime I went to school.

These challenges will I resolved if I address to my parents or in my friends.Because I can't be an sadly girl If I will share my problems to one who can help me.In school,many also students not obeying rules and regulations.

In proving myself I will find a job or I will study well so that I can easily find a job.And I can also help my parents to put up and being success.

1 comment:

  1. nice one fren..keep up the good hard so that you can help your parents. okey..jeje..
